Laying Down a Heavy Crown
Which kingdom will dominate your life today? There are two to choose from. Jesus came to announce the coming of the kingdom of God. In His life, death and resurrection the kingdom of God has come with victory and power. As followers of Jesus we are now citizens of this eternal kingdom. But here’s the catch. It requires us to submit everything we are and everything we have to that one kingdom, and its ONE Lord. But we refuse. Instead we build our own little kingdom right next door. Ours is made up of the stuff we want to ‘own’, control and call ‘mine’. It may be our possessions, our time, our career or our reputation, but as soon as we say ‘mine’, it stays in our domain under our rule. Here is one absolute truth about these two kingdoms; in our kingdom we pretend we are owners and we are rewarded with bondage, in God’s kingdom we realize we are stewards, and we are set free.
So let me ask you, can you name the things that are in your own kingdom – things that you have yet to submit fully to the lordship of Jesus Christ? If so, can you trace the stress, fear, anxiety or dread you feel today right back to them? Being ‘all-in’ for Christ requires us to step off our throne, lay down our heavy crowns and enter into His joy as stewards who have been set free.
I challenge and invite you to name one thing today that needs to be placed at the feet of Jesus, submit it to Him (it’s His anyway), breathe in the freedom, and take a step on the journey of the ‘all-in’ steward.
“If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” John 8:36