Enough! – The Power of the Idea

I’m using the next several blogs to propose a most audacious, even outrageous idea. Here it is…we have enough. This week I want to share briefly on the immense power that is ours if we choose to embrace this idea. In a world hungry for power, it’s ironic that the greatest power at our disposal comes to us through the realization that God has supplied us with all that we need. The access to the unlimited power of heaven comes as a result of a contented heart surrendered to Him. The less we have of us, the more we have everything we need in Him.
Definition of Success
To understand this, I need to ask you a question. How do you define success for yourself? Answer this question, “My life is successful when I…” Be aware that how you answer that question drives everything you do. That is, we shape our lives around our pursuit of success, so its definition has a profound effect on all aspects of that life. Here’s a choice of two possible answers.
One set of answers describes the things we do to achieve success. When we define success in terms of accomplishments, goals reached, experiences we’ve had or even relationships we enjoy and people we’ve impacted, we are defining success in terms of ‘doing’. We may call this production-driven success. This definition may be a major part of every one of our definitions, and our lives bear witness to its consuming influence over us.
This other set of answers describe how God defines success for you. In Revelation 2:10, God says to the church in Smyrna, “Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you life as your victor’s crown.” I believe that God’s one desire for us is that our lives be marked by faithfulness. I believe that is His definition of success for each of us. Now, a powerful thing happens when we adopt this definition for ourselves.; all of the promises and potency of heaven are available to us if we seek only to be obedient and faithful to the will and way of God. As soon as we seek another definition, we are thrown back on ourselves and the power of heaven evades us.
At the heart of a definition of success as faithfulness is the acknowledgement that if we pursue faithfulness, God will supply all we need. His provision and His power will be enough…more than enough.
Bearing vs. Producing Fruit
I have written often on the depth of meaning in John 15, so I will just state briefly here that a second way we access the power of heaven is understanding that Jesus was serious when He said, “‘I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing… If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.’” (v. 5,7) Don’t miss these two promises; abide in Christ and there is nothing too great that we can ask of God that He will not grant; focus on ourselves and we are stripped of God’s power and provision.
How simple this seems. Abide in Christ. Stay rooted in the Vine. Believe that in Him we have everything we need. Trust His provision, His promises, and His power. Stay rooted and ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. Amazing. When we are so intimately connected to Jesus, our hearts will be content. We will be full, satisfied, complete. We will have enough.
Here is a simple summary; as we strive for success through what we do we are left to our own power to accomplish that success. When we strive for the life of faithfulness accomplished through a daily abiding in Christ, we have a surrendered and contented heart. And through such a heart God is prepared to shower His blessings and power to accomplish the work of His kingdom. But it will always be God’s work done God’s way for God’s glory.
So, how do you define success? What drives you. On whose power are you depending? And where does your heart abide? Your answers to these questions will determine whether you live as “a boxer beating the air” (1 Corinthians 9:26) or claim the promise from Psalm 20:6, “The Lord gives victory to his anointed. He answers him from his heavenly sanctuary with the victorious power of his right hand.”
That is a splendid definition of what it means to have enough!