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Leading from the Overflow: Is Your Cup Full?

By Dr. Scott Rodin | Linda and I bought 11 beautiful acres just north of Spokane upon which we plan to build our ‘empty nesters’ house. Our latest challenge is the well.

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Five Ways to Experience Restoration, Healing and Hope in a Broken World

By Dr. Scott Rodin | This is our second week looking at how we as stewards live and thrive in the unprecedented times in which we live.

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Four Ways to Prevent a Spiritual Heart Attack this Christmas

By Dr. Scott Rodin | Warning Sign #4 – A Sickness in our Spirit

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Four Ways to Prevent a Spiritual Heart Attack this Christmas

By Dr. Scott Rodin | Warning Sign #3 – Pain in the Wallet

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Three Warning Signs that You Have Left Jesus in the Car

By Dr. Scott Rodin | A reminder that apart from Him we can do nothing.

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The Seven Victories of a Generous Spirit

By Dr. Scott Rodin | Welcome to the new Kingdom Life Publishing website! To commemorate the new site I am launching this seven part series on generosity. I pray it challenges and blesses you on your own journey as a faithful steward. A few years ago a friend introduced me ... read on

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Preparing our Heart for Lent – Meditation #2

By Dr. Scott Rodin | The Character of God – Mathew 27:46 We are looking at the different interpretations of this text that come from the way the key words are emphasized.  In the first devotion we looked at, “why have you forsaken me?” and we contemplated the purposes of God.  ... read on

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Preparing our Heart for Lent – Meditation #1

By Dr. Scott Rodin | The Purpose of God – Mathew 27:46, “Why have you forsaken me?” Have you ever played the game where you take a simple sentence and see how the meaning changes when you change the emphasis?  Start with, “Why did you eat that apple?”  Now read it ... read on

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Top Five Regrets, and One Great Opportunity

By Dr. Scott Rodin | Bronnie Ware is an Australian nurse who spent several years working in palliative care, caring for patients in the last 12 weeks of their lives. She recorded their dying epiphanies in a blog called Inspiration and Chai, which gathered so much attention that she put ... read on

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Coming Home

By Dr. Scott Rodin | The comment caught me completely off-guard.  I was proudly showing a colleague my new truck; a sleek black Dodge Ram 2500 long bed with a V8 Hemi engine that my kids named Darth Vader.  Instead of the expected words of admiration, however, this friend just ... read on

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