Posts in: Devotional

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Leading from the Overflow: Is Your Cup Full?

By Dr. Scott Rodin | Linda and I bought 11 beautiful acres just north of Spokane upon which we plan to build our ‘empty nesters’ house. Our latest challenge is the well.

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Thank God It’s Monday

By Dr. Scott Rodin | “Thanks God it’s Friday!” Have you ever said that? Thought it? If we’re not careful we can fall into a distorted view of work that permeates our culture.

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The Big Problem with Trusting God

By Dr. Scott Rodin | We are OK with trusting God with the ‘what’, the challenge is trusting Him just as much with the . . .

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Let’s Try Something a Little Different:

By Amy Ballard | This week we are doing a little something different over at the TSJ blog.

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Three Ways your ‘Quiet Time’ Can Hurt More Than Help

By Dr. Scott Rodin | LAre you struggling regarding your quiet time? How can you continue to pursue a quiet time with God but avoid the discouragement when you fail?

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Ruling as the Image Bearers of God

By Dr. Scott Rodin | We were created in God’s image so that we might rule over creation just as He rules over us—with love, nurture, care, and compassion.

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Want to Change the World? Start Here!

By Dr. Scott Rodin | Jesus minces no words. He sets up our love and devotion to money as a rival deity.

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Two Ways Your Work Is Transformed into Worship

By Dr. Scott Rodin | We were created for work, and when we do it for God’s glory, our work is an act of worship. God loves to bless the work of our hands.

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The Strange (and Christ-like) Response to Crisis

By Dr. Scott Rodin | Think back to the last time you faced a significant, critical need with woefully inadequate resources to meet it, when you had to accomplish something great and your assets to achieve it were meager. What was your response?

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Stewards of the Gospel in the Age of Nones

By Dr. Scott Rodin | Easter Sunday 2019 was a day of contrasts. Millions across our country attended Easter services to celebrate the risen Lord. For us it was the high, holy day of the year. Yet for a growing number of our fellow Americans, this was just another Sunday, and the story of the empty tomb was the furthest thing from their minds, and hearts.

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