Posts in: Devotional

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Living God’s Way

By Dr. Scott Rodin | Upon what or whom are you depending today? How you answer that question will determine your leadership style, shape your heart, and define your fears

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How a Divided Heart Steals Your Joy

By Dr. Scott Rodin | How do we reclaim an undivided heart? We can do so through worship, that is, a total surrender to the sovereign God and Creator of all things.

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Drive Out All Fear

By Dr. Scott Rodin | Fearing God does not mean terror or dread but being overwhelmed by His sovereignty, His awesomeness, and His authority over every area of life.

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How Full Can a Plane Be?

By Dr. Scott Rodin | While sitting in an airport waiting area preparing to board my flight, the gate agent announced over the speaker that, “our plane is full today, so please limit your carryons to two pieces.”

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If You’re SMART You’ll Build your Goals on STONE

By Dr. Scott Rodin | How smart SMART goals are in the context of kingdom values?

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Sell it All!

By Dr. Scott Rodin | What would it look like in your life as a steward to sell everything you have in order to follow Jesus, to claim for yourself the treasure of heaven He offers?

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The Battle is Real, Are You In or Out?

By Dr. Scott Rodin | We live in a world at war whose outcome is already determined. That does not make the battle any less real or the enemy any less powerful or threatening.

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Which Kind of Time Dominates Your Life and Leadership?

By Dr. Scott Rodin | Time is one of the greatest gifts God has given us. We must fight the temptation to believe we somehow own our time.

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Writing Your Five-Word Eulogy

By Dr. Scott Rodin | What kinds of relationships surround you? How would your peers describe your relationship with them? How would your employees describe your relationships with them? How would your closest friend describe your relationship?

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One Prayer We Must Avoid Praying

By Dr. Scott Rodin | As I thought about why I wanted clarity I realized that much of it had to do with a desire for certainty that would allow me to ‘walk by sight’.

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