Posts in: Devotional

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Stewarding Christmas: How to Avoid the Three Christmas Traps

By Dr. Scott Rodin | What would it look like for you to ‘steward Christmas’ this year? We pray this new look at Christmas will help you overcome the challenges and discover again the joy and power of this amazing season.As we seek to be stewards and not owners of Christmas.

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Stewarding Christmas

By Dr. Scott Rodin | Stewards will embrace Christmas by starting at the manger. They will surrender their time to God and seek His leading for how best to use it. They will define ‘Christmas success’ as a season of faithfulness. They will be driven by doing those things that glorify God even if it does not meet the expectations of others. They will value service over busyness and giving over buying. They will trust God to lead and provide at every level.

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It’s Time We Told the Truth About Christmas

By Dr. Scott Rodin | When God took on human form, when in the baby Jesus there dwelt the fullness of the Godhead bodily (Colossians 1:19) every human was changed forever.

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Going Nowhere…Successfully

By Dr. Scott Rodin | From time to time when approaching an airport, air traffic control would require you to enter into a holding pattern until the runway was clear for you to land.

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The Most Powerful Lesson I’ve Learned This Year (Maybe This Decade)

By Dr. Scott Rodin | Those of you who’ve been following this ministry know that The Steward’s Journey is all about freedom. For the last five years we have written, taught, preached and guided people through a process of being set free. We believe freedom is among the greatest gifts that flow from the life in Christ.

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My Three Favorite Scriptures that Aren’t in the Bible

By Dr. Scott Rodin | This is a confession. In my unspoken desire to live with one foot in God’s kingdom and one in my own, I can find clever ways to make scripture fit my own perspectives.

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How Generosity Can Rob Us of our Joy

By Dr. Scott Rodin | We are generous when and only when our giving is our way of emulating the giving of the Father.

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What You Don’t Know Will Steal Your Joy

By Dr. Scott Rodin | Only at the foot of the cross will we fully experience both our sin and our salvation in a way that produces the blessed assurance that God’s grace is enough.

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Power in the Blood

By Dr. Scott Rodin | Sin requires cleansing that only blood can provide. All sin leads to death, and Jesus’ blood gives life. When the two collide, blood wins.

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To the Church in America: There Will be No Great Revival Without Blood

By Dr. Scott Rodin | The single reason the church has lost its way is because we want to be the body of Christ without the blood of Christ

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