Posts in: Devotional

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Finding Deep Peace in an Age of Despair

By Dr. Scott Rodin | We are all likely facing some ‘moments of truth’ right now. How can we know this deep peace in the midst of the chaos and uncertainty of this extraordinary time?

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Can God Find Us in the Midst of a Pandemic?

By Dr. Scott Rodin | As we navigate these strange and troubling days, what does God require of us? How should we be responding? What should we be doing?

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By Dr. Scott Rodin | Stewarding Your Attitude in an Age of Contempt The coronavirus is doing more than killing Americans. It is exposing us. Our reaction to the pandemic is laying bare the deep dysfunction of our culture. We entered the crisis a nation fractured along jagged ideological, political ... read on

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Easter Sunday

By Dr. Scott Rodin | "We Were There"

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Holy Saturday

By Dr. Scott Rodin | "The Unseen Victory"

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Good Friday

By Dr. Scott Rodin | "How Do We Love Him?"

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Maundy Thursday

By Dr. Scott Rodin | "Power and Humility"

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Holy Week Wednesday

By Dr. Scott Rodin | "Betrayal"

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Holy Week Tuesday

By Dr. Scott Rodin | "Losing and Finding Life"

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Holy Week Monday

By Dr. Scott Rodin | "Cleansing the Temple"

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