Posts in: Devotional

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What If We’re Wrong About Everything?

By Dr. Scott Rodin | OK, maybe the title should be ‘what if I’m wrong about everything.’ The values of the kingdom of God define the ‘right side up’ life in an upside-down world.  Too often I hold onto those old worldly values and miss what God has for me.  ... read on

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Is God in Your Kitchen?

By Dr. Scott Rodin | This week a friend challenged me to the core by confessing to “an unwillingness to grant God unlimited permission to do whatever it takes to change me.”  That comment led me to re-examine my prayer life.  What do I pray for most often?  Most prayers ... read on

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Will We Stand?

By Dr. Scott Rodin | What do you stand for?  What are you willing to die for?  Where is the line in the sand in your life?  In the book of Daniel three men of God were told that when the king’s musicians played a tune all of the people ... read on

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Holy Defiance

By Dr. Scott Rodin | The journey from half-way living to the all-in life in Christ requires that we cultivate a holy defiance of the enemy.  Jesus set the example.  When Peter questioned his mission he shot back, ‘get behind me Satan’.  When the Pharisees challenged his authority he shouted, ... read on

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What is God Up To?

By Dr. Scott Rodin | I am convinced that God is more concerned with who we are than what we do.  He is more concerned with the transformation of our hearts than the transaction of our business.  I have learned the hard way that He loves us enough to let ... read on

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First Steps to Freedom

By Dr. Scott Rodin | Living ‘all-in’ for Jesus means being set free. The half-way life is the way of bondage. When we lived in Scotland our kids watched a show called ‘Thunderbirds.’ This league of  defenders of the universe were marionettes masterfully guided by professional puppeteers.  Their every move, ... read on

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In Defiance of Half-Way Living

By Dr. Scott Rodin | I am beginning 2012 with one defiant proclamation – I’m done, through and finished with living half-way.  I’ve been trying it for years, and I have come to the conclusion that as a Christian the half-way life sucks! Actually, for anyone, there is nothing satisfying, ... read on

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