Posts in: Devotional

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Disciplines of the Steward Leader #8 – Daily Submitting our Time, Talents and Resources to God’s Work

By Dr. Scott Rodin | As leaders we are called upon to lead our people by modeling the life of a faithful steward.  Here is a quick check list to see how you are doing. Time.  How are you modeling balance and wholeness in your use of time?  More importantly, ... read on

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Disciplines of the Steward Leader #7 – Leading a Lifestyle that Reflects a Love and Care for God’s Creation

By Dr. Scott Rodin | Everything in this world emerged from the simple combination of the human being created in God’s image, and the Garden, which was created for humanity, and humanity for it. Those ingredients are the foundation for all that exists in God’s creation: a man, a woman ... read on

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Disciplines of the Steward Leader: #6 – Pray for Eyes to See your Neighbor as God Sees Them

By Dr. Scott Rodin | When I am in a hurry I see the people God places in my path as obstacles to be overcome. I get focused on my agenda, my needs and my precious time and the people I encounter mostly get in my way.  They don’t drive ... read on

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Disciplines of the Steward Leader: #5 – Choosing the Applause

By Dr. Scott Rodin | ‘Who – as a matter of deep conviction and humility – will determine your worth, the value of your life on earth?’ One of my bookmarks carries a thought that has stayed with me throughout my years in leadership: “It doesn’t matter if the world ... read on

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Disciplines of the Steward Leader: #4 – Affirming the Tension

By Dr. Scott Rodin | Is your self-image in balance?  As leaders we face persistent temptations and pressures designed to knock us out of balance.  Here is an uncomfortable and uncompromising question for you; what drives your self-image?  That is, what are the sources that you listen to each day ... read on

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Disciplines of the Steward Leader #3 – From Producing to Bearing

By Dr. Scott Rodin | Two years ago I was confronted with the realization that I had been reading John 15 from a fundamentally flawed perspective.  Take a moment and read the first nine verses, and count the number of times the words ‘abide/remain’ and ‘fruit’ are used.  In most ... read on

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Disciplines of the Steward Leader: #2 – Going Deeper

By Dr. Scott Rodin | I was sitting on the beach during a family vacation in Belize, taking in the beauty of the Caribbean as it splashed its way onto the sandy shore. Children were playing along the shoreline, running to stay ahead of the waves as if chased by ... read on

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Preparing our Heart for Lent – Meditation #3

By Dr. Scott Rodin | Our Position in the Presence of God – Mathew 27:46 Our third meditation on this text considers the emphasis, “why have you forsaken me?”  If we are honest, this is the version with which we most closely identify.  It is not just the forsakenness, or the ... read on

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Work that Fills Us

By Dr. Scott Rodin | Have you ever wondered what it would be like to spend a day working in a carpenter’s shop with Jesus? What would your day be like? I think Jesus would run his carpenter shop like every other carpenter shop.  He would not use any Holy Spirit ... read on

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Give Me Jesus

By Dr. Scott Rodin | It has been nearly a month since I have blogged.  Honestly, I have been struggling with spiritual dryness that has left me with little to share.  I have been searching for a way to recover the passion and perspective I had at the start of ... read on

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