Five Ways to Experience Restoration, Healing and Hope in a Broken World
By Dr. Scott Rodin | Lent is a season marked by reflection, repentance and prayer, and this year we have an opportunity to ask deeper questions about how we as stewards live and thrive in this time of growing moral chaos and cultural turmoil. I will look at five ways we can walk this Lenten journey in a meaningful way. Each week will follow the process of reflection – repentance – restoration – healing – hope.
The Temptation to be Spectacular
By Dr. Scott Rodin | When we consider the enemy only had three shots at knocking Jesus off His messianic journey, we have to take seriously the significance of the temptation. What would’ve been lost had Jesus taken him up on it?
When our Reputation Becomes a Stumbling Block
By Dr. Scott Rodin | Here’s the hard truth: caring too much about our reputation as leaders is absolute bondage.
It’s Time to Confront the Cult of the Owner-Pastor in the Body of Christ
By Dr. Scott Rodin | Across America, we are in a pastoral leadership crisis. It’s time we confront the issue, name the problem and commit to a solution.
Stop. Pray. Do the Unexpected.
By Dr. Scott Rodin | Do you see people as Jesus would see them or do you see them as a 'means to an end'?
Stewarding Closed Doors…Even When Others Don’t Open
By Dr. Scott Rodin | How do you respond when God closes a door? What if there is no 'Plan B'?
The Three-Question Challenge
By Dr. Scott Rodin | I’ve always been challenged by the stark, jarring dialogue in the story of Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness. Imagine, Jesus and the Devil face to face in verbal combat! I was reading through it again recently when, for the first time, I considered the content ... read on
Get It, Regardless of the Cost
By Dr. Scott Rodin | Solomon has a command for us. He declares it in no uncertain terms. Get wisdom, get understanding; do not forget my words or turn away from them. Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you. The ... read on
Deep Peace
By Dr. Scott Rodin | For the past year or so I have signed of f on emails and letters with the words, ‘Deep Peace’. The phrase comes from The Four Gifts of the King. Here are two excerpts. Zedekai rode close to Steward. “Tell me, Warrior Steward, what do ... read on
Living ‘Well Pleased’
By Dr. Scott Rodin | Last week I challenged us to live 2019 under our Father’s pronouncement that we are His beloved child, and in us He is ‘well pleased.’ I posited that this is a healthier spiritual pursuit than seeking to earn God’s accolade of ‘well done, good and ... read on