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Ruling as the Image Bearers of God

By Dr. Scott Rodin | We were created in God’s image so that we might rule over creation just as He rules over us—with love, nurture, care, and compassion.

[easy-total-shares url="https://www.thecsls.org/want-to-change-the-world-start-here/" align="center" networks="facebook,twitter"]

Want to Change the World? Start Here!

By Dr. Scott Rodin | Jesus minces no words. He sets up our love and devotion to money as a rival deity.

[easy-total-shares url="https://www.thecsls.org/two-ways-your-work-is-transformed-into-worship/" align="center" networks="facebook,twitter"]

Two Ways Your Work Is Transformed into Worship

By Dr. Scott Rodin | We were created for work, and when we do it for God’s glory, our work is an act of worship. God loves to bless the work of our hands.

[easy-total-shares url="https://www.thecsls.org/the-strange-and-christ-like-response-to-crisis/" align="center" networks="facebook,twitter"]

The Strange (and Christ-like) Response to Crisis

By Dr. Scott Rodin | Think back to the last time you faced a significant, critical need with woefully inadequate resources to meet it, when you had to accomplish something great and your assets to achieve it were meager. What was your response?

[easy-total-shares url="https://www.thecsls.org/stewards-of-the-gospel-in-the-age-of-nones/" align="center" networks="facebook,twitter"]

Stewards of the Gospel in the Age of Nones

By Dr. Scott Rodin | Easter Sunday 2019 was a day of contrasts. Millions across our country attended Easter services to celebrate the risen Lord. For us it was the high, holy day of the year. Yet for a growing number of our fellow Americans, this was just another Sunday, and the story of the empty tomb was the furthest thing from their minds, and hearts.

[easy-total-shares url="https://www.thecsls.org/how-great-indeed/" align="center" networks="facebook,twitter"]

How Great Indeed!

By Dr. Scott Rodin | Trying to write a blog post for Holy Week reminds me how difficult it is for pastors to write Easter sermons. There is so much to say, so many themes to address and so little space and time.

[easy-total-shares url="https://www.thecsls.org/five-ways-to-experience-restoration-healing-and-hope-in-a-broken-world-5/" align="center" networks="facebook,twitter"]

Five Ways to Experience Restoration, Healing and Hope in a Broken World

By Dr. Scott Rodin | This is our final week looking at how we, as stewards, live and thrive in the unprecedented times in which we live. In this final week, I challenge us to repent of our idols, and I will define idols as those things in which we place our trust and find our security.

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Five Ways to Experience Restoration, Healing and Hope in a Broken World

By Dr. Scott Rodin | In this fourth week, we will take an honest look at the temptation to treat people as means to our own ends. As you walk through your day, who’s agenda drives your actions – yours or God’s?

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Five Ways to Experience Restoration, Healing and Hope in a Broken World

By Dr. Scott Rodin | In the past two weeks we considered what it means to repent of our tendency to be keepers of our own kingdoms instead of God’s kingdom, and of our desire to be self-reliant instead of God-reliant. In this third week, I want to look at the damage done by a misplaced identity.

[easy-total-shares url="https://www.thecsls.org/%ef%bb%bffive-ways-to-experience-restoration-healing-and-hope-in-a-broken-world/" align="center" networks="facebook,twitter"]

Five Ways to Experience Restoration, Healing and Hope in a Broken World

By Dr. Scott Rodin | This is our second week looking at how we as stewards live and thrive in the unprecedented times in which we live.