The Battle is Real, Are You In or Out?
By Dr. Scott Rodin | We live in a world at war whose outcome is already determined. That does not make the battle any less real or the enemy any less powerful or threatening.
Which Kind of Time Dominates Your Life and Leadership?
By Dr. Scott Rodin | Time is one of the greatest gifts God has given us. We must fight the temptation to believe we somehow own our time.
Writing Your Five-Word Eulogy
By Dr. Scott Rodin | What kinds of relationships surround you? How would your peers describe your relationship with them? How would your employees describe your relationships with them? How would your closest friend describe your relationship?
One Prayer We Must Avoid Praying
By Dr. Scott Rodin | As I thought about why I wanted clarity I realized that much of it had to do with a desire for certainty that would allow me to ‘walk by sight’.
Leading from the Overflow: Is Your Cup Full?
By Dr. Scott Rodin | Linda and I bought 11 beautiful acres just north of Spokane upon which we plan to build our ‘empty nesters’ house. Our latest challenge is the well.
Thank God It’s Monday
By Dr. Scott Rodin | “Thanks God it’s Friday!” Have you ever said that? Thought it? If we’re not careful we can fall into a distorted view of work that permeates our culture.
The Big Problem with Trusting God
By Dr. Scott Rodin | We are OK with trusting God with the ‘what’, the challenge is trusting Him just as much with the . . .
Let’s Try Something a Little Different:
By Amy Ballard | This week we are doing a little something different over at the TSJ blog.
Three Ways your ‘Quiet Time’ Can Hurt More Than Help
By Dr. Scott Rodin | LAre you struggling regarding your quiet time? How can you continue to pursue a quiet time with God but avoid the discouragement when you fail?
Ruling as the Image Bearers of God
By Dr. Scott Rodin | We were created in God’s image so that we might rule over creation just as He rules over us—with love, nurture, care, and compassion.