Maundy Thursday
By Dr. Scott Rodin | "Power and Humility"
Holy Week Wednesday
By Dr. Scott Rodin | "Betrayal"
Holy Week Tuesday
By Dr. Scott Rodin | "Losing and Finding Life"
Holy Week Monday
By Dr. Scott Rodin | "Cleansing the Temple"
Palm Sunday
By Dr. Scott Rodin | "The Lord Needs It"
Brothers and Sisters, Open Your Eyes!
By Dr. Scott Rodin | I believe we need a change of perspective, a radical pivot point as we look out at the global pandemic that worsens every day.
We Say, ‘God is in Control,’ So Why Doesn’t It Help?
By Dr. Scott Rodin | Why is it that we can say in the midst of a crisis like this that ‘God is in control’, and yet not have it overwhelm our spirit with a sense of His peace?
Opportunities are Spreading as Fast as the Virus – Don’t Miss Them!
By Dr. Scott Rodin | There is more to this testing time in which we live. I am struck not only with the capriciousness that marks this unpredictable moment in history, but also in the amazing number of new opportunities that are unfolding before us. The question is, will we recognize them?
The Coronavirus, Colossians and Why Tens of Millions of Us Need to Die
By Dr. Scott Rodin | It is likely by the end of this year one of two scenarios will have played out. Either the coronavirus will live up to the hysteria and hype, killing hundreds of thousands in the US, overwhelming our medical system and pushing our country to the brink of economic collapse and social anarchy. Or, it will play itself out as so many other apocalyptic threats have, passing with much less impact, good medicine and common sense having prevailed.
Image is Everything
By Dr. Scott Rodin | We are living in a time of fear and darkness that is suffocating so many both inside and outside the church. How are we, as faithful stewards of the grace of God, to respond?