[easy-total-shares url="https://www.thecsls.org/maintaining-perspective-on-election-day/" align="center" networks="facebook,twitter"]

Maintaining Perspective on Election Day

By Dr. Scott Rodin | It’s finally here! Even though there’s a reasonable chance we may not know the winner of the presidential election anytime soon, the campaigning ends today.

[easy-total-shares url="https://www.thecsls.org/cancelling-grace/" align="center" networks="facebook,twitter"]

Cancelling Grace

By Dr. Scott Rodin | In reading through Matthew 1 with the lens of our current cultural moral decay, there was one gem in the middle of it that astonished me.

[easy-total-shares url="https://www.thecsls.org/the-ownership-of-faith-and-the-silencing-of-the-church/" align="center" networks="facebook,twitter"]

The Ownership of Faith and the Silencing of the Church

By Dr. Scott Rodin | Imagine you’re sitting at the end of a dock with a close friend. You know he can’t swim. He turns to you and says, “I think I’ll jump in.”

[easy-total-shares url="https://www.thecsls.org/a-most-amazing-prayer-meeting/" align="center" networks="facebook,twitter"]

A Most Amazing Prayer Meeting

By Dr. Scott Rodin | There are no caveats to this call and command to pray. You don’t get a ‘pass’ once you enter politics or reach some level of power or authority. In fact, the more power and authority we are given, the more critical our prayer life becomes.

[easy-total-shares url="https://www.thecsls.org/our-sanitized-jesus/" align="center" networks="facebook,twitter"]

Our Sanitized Jesus

By Dr. Scott Rodin | If we are to be stewards of the word of God, can we continue to be ashamed of some of Jesus's teachings in the midst of this adulterous and sinful generation?

[easy-total-shares url="https://www.thecsls.org/where-does-the-line-pass-for-you/" align="center" networks="facebook,twitter"]

Where Does the Line Pass for You?

By Dr. Scott Rodin | By seeing others as ‘the problem’ we exonerate ourselves from the requirement to change if the problem is to be solved. In our self-assurance we believe there is nothing required of us. We have it right. We are the solution. We have it figured out.

[easy-total-shares url="https://www.thecsls.org/envisioning-a-new-way-to-be-the-church-a-proposal/" align="center" networks="facebook,twitter"]

Envisioning a New Way to be the Church: A Proposal

By Dr. Scott Rodin | I'd like to propose a new way of considering what it means to make disciples, share the gospel, and serve our neighbors as a local church.

[easy-total-shares url="https://www.thecsls.org/stewards-of-the-despised/" align="center" networks="facebook,twitter"]

Stewards of the Despised

By Dr. Scott Rodin | Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. 1 Peter 4:10

[easy-total-shares url="https://www.thecsls.org/serenity-now/" align="center" networks="facebook,twitter"]

Serenity Now

By Dr. Scott Rodin | Let me start this blog with a confession. I am writing this as much to myself as to you. I am struggling to find God’s promised “peace that passes all understanding.” I am fighting a spirit of discouragement over the affairs of our world. I am trying to find my place, my voice, and my role in the cultural collapse we are witnessing.

[easy-total-shares url="https://www.thecsls.org/will-you-leave-too/" align="center" networks="facebook,twitter"]

Will You Leave, Too?

By Dr. Scott Rodin | There is a familiar ring to the tension in the story in John 6. In what seemed like a flash, there was division, confusion, polarization and betrayal. Everything began falling apart. What happened? Jesus proclaimed the values of the kingdom of God in harsh, stark, unambiguous terms.