
An Unexpected Sojourn

By Dr. Scott Rodin | July 11, 2023 Last week I had coffee with a friend in Spokane and shared my current journey with him. As we closed, he commented, “Well, blessings to you on your sojourn.” That moniker caught me a bit off guard. At 66, I did not ... read on


Sometimes Leaders Lose Their Way

By Dr. Scott Rodin | June 21, 2023 Sometimes leaders lose their way. Amidst personnel challenges, cultural pressures, financial uncertainties, and self-doubt, we can muddle along, unsure where we are going. Unexpected challenges, unsuccessful strategies, criticism of our best efforts, and rapid change can bring us uncertainty, lack of direction, ... read on


Learning to Pray … Again: Part Five

By Dr. Scott Rodin | June 13, 2023 Learning To Pray … Again: Part Five – The Steward’s Courage We are on a five-week journey reflecting on Jesus’s instructions to His disciples on how they should pray – what we know as The Lord’s Prayer. We are considering how The ... read on


Learning to Pray … Again: Part Four

By Dr. Scott Rodin | June 5, 2023 Learning To Pray … Again: Part Four – The Steward’s Confession We are on a five-week journey reflecting on Jesus’s instructions to His disciples on how they should pray – what we know as The Lord’s Prayer. We are considering how The ... read on


Learning to Pray … Again: Part Three

By Dr. Scott Rodin | May 30, 2023 Learning To Pray … Again: Part Three – The Steward’s Confidence We are on a five-week journey reflecting on Jesus’s instructions to His disciples on how they should pray – what we know as The Lord’s Prayer. We are considering how The ... read on


Learning to Pray … Again: Part Two

By Dr. Scott Rodin | May 23, 2023 Learning To Pray … Again: Part Two – The Steward’s Commitment We are on a five-week journey reflecting on Jesus’s instructions to His disciples on how they should pray – what we know as The Lord’s Prayer. We are considering how The ... read on


Learning to Pray … Again

By Dr. Scott Rodin | May 16, 2023 As stewards, God is always teaching us. Part of the joy of living openhandedly as a surrendered steward is watching how God continually guides us into new levels of intimacy with him. The greatest avenue to this intimacy is prayer, yet for ... read on


A Big Announcement for The Steward’s Journey: Introducing the Center for Steward Leader Studies

By Dr. Scott Rodin | May 9, 2023 I am writing this blog with great excitement to announce a change in the future of The Steward’s Journey. You will notice that this blog post comes to you under two names: The Steward’s Journey and the Center for Steward Leader Studies. ... read on


An Exciting Announcement and a FREE Invitation

By Dr. Scott Rodin | About ten years ago, my Steward’s Journey board challenged me to consider creating an assessment tool to help Christian leaders understand where they were on their journey of becoming steward leaders. At the same time, doctoral students were starting to ask for an empirical tool ... read on


The Danger of Confusing Reformation with Accommodation

By Dr. Scott Rodin | For the past nine years, this blog has been dedicated to helping the body of Christ embrace the call to be faithful stewards in a world of owners. We have written frequently on the contrast between the worldview of an owner vs. the calling of ... read on