
Stewarding Grace and the Costliness of Christmas

By Dr. Scott Rodin | December 1, 2023 Christmas is a very costly celebration, or at least it should be. The temptation we face this holiday season is to make Christmas cheap. Let me explain. The Apostle Peter tells the church that they are stewards of the grace of God ... read on


Thanksgiving Is All in Your Head (or it should be)

By Dr. Scott Rodin | November 23, 2023 The Oxford Dictionary defines thanksgiving as, “the feeling of being happy or grateful because of something.”[1] With all due respect, I think the Oxford Dons got it wrong. What they’ve described is thanksfeeling. If they are right, then it will only take a brief viewing of local, national, ... read on


Stewarding God’s Truth in an Age of Christophobia

By Dr. Scott Rodin | November 15, 2023 “Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me.” Matthew 24:9 How do we proclaim God’s truth in this post-truth age and rising Christophobia? The Center for Steward ... read on


Before and Becoming

By Dr. Scott Rodin | September 28, 2023 Stuck as the ‘Before’ Picture We’ve all seen advertisers use ‘before and after’ pictures to show the effect of everything from weight loss programs to plastic surgery procedures, closet organizers to auto refinishing services. We love the after images; slim waistline, wrinkle-free ... read on


Of Warriors and Weathervanes

By Dr. Scott Rodin | September 21, 2023 In the book of Ephesians, Paul paints a graphic portrait of the Jesus follower who is prepared to take a stand against the enemy. In chapter 6 he admonishes us to, “be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the ... read on


Open the Floodgates!

By Dr. Scott Rodin | September 7, 2023 I have a friend with a military background who recently shared with me a well-accepted axiom of war. He said, “When planning for a battle, amateurs talk strategy, and professionals talk logistics.” This platitude makes sense when you consider the critical importance ... read on



By Dr. Scott Rodin | August 24, 2023 For the past 25 years, I have been teaching and writing about what it means to live a life of true freedom as a faithful steward of all of life. Yesterday, I had the opportunity to experience the reality of that life ... read on


Living and Leading in an Age of Anxiety

By Dr. Scott Rodin | August 2, 2023 Mark Sayer’s new book, A Non-Anxious Presence, How a Changing and Complex World will Create a Remnant of Renewed Christian Leaders, suggests the that dominant theme in our world and our leadership is anxiety. This anxiety is generated by what he calls ... read on


The Gospel According to Toy Story 3

By Dr. Scott Rodin | July 26, 2023 Call me cynical, but Disney and Pixar are not sources I would expect for a movie that contains a credible depiction of the gospel story. Recently Linda and I spent 26 straight days with our six grandchildren, ages one to ten. We ... read on


Discerning the Times – A Surprising Outcome to a Search for Relevance

By Dr. Scott Rodin | July 19, 2023 Will our work today make sense a year from now? Will the way you and I choose to invest the hours of this day make any difference in a world spinning out of control? We live in times when no one can ... read on