Steward Leader Stories

Over the past ten years of writing and speaking on the steward leader and steward theology, we have often been asked, “Do you know anyone who is living and leading in this way?” People are looking for role models, examples of what this looks like in practice.

Our new series, Steward Leader Stories, is capturing just such stories. We have interviewed dozens of people whose leadership values and experience align with that of steward theology.

What do we mean when we say ‘steward theology’ and ‘steward leader’? When we use these terms, we mean the following:

  • Leading from the understanding that everything belongs to God; our relationships with God, with our self, with our neighbor and with creation.
  • Leading from a position of surrender of control and placing all we have in God’s hands; our work, our people, our finances, our plans and our future.
  • Leading from an intimate relationship with God and seeking His guidance as the true Owner of all we are called to steward.
  • Leading from a balance in our self-image as a child of God and follower of Jesus, neither giving in to selfish pride or doubt and discouragement.
  • Leading from a desire to develop our people to reach their fullest, God-given potential and steward their skills faithfully.
  • Leading from an abundance mindset regarding all the resources God has provide for us to steward for Him, including time, skills, finances and creation itself.

We will send out a new Steward Leader story every week to our subscribers, or you can view each story via their individual links below. We hope you enjoy this series!

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Week 1: Pete Ochs